The Company

All the experience and knowledge acquired over 27 years of activity, as the founder and president of Panair International of Brazil, acting, in the areas of logistics, international representation of sales and foreign trade consultancy, led me with motivation and enthusiasm, the founding ATLAS Consulting and Business in june 2015.

THE ATLAS was born strong. The name says it. Now being able to offer our customers complete solutions (Turnkey).  This is the our concerning the end segments:


I.      Foreign Trade, logistics and related.


II.    Technical Assistance, maintenance of equipment, inspection services, machining, manufacturing equipment ground support, dedicated to aerospace, aeronautics, defense and other.


III. International Representation of sales of manufacturers Americans and Europeans, products, equipment, systems and components used in various segments, mainly aeronautical, aerospace, defense and mass transportation.


IV.  Consulting Services in engineering of electrical systems aeronautical and defense, with a corps of engineers consultants at master level, curriculuns shiny, and belonging to an "elite", with proven experience over more than 20 years.